Last post by ZepGuy -
Hi. Didn't mean to insinuate that it was calculated. I understand it pulls through the API. Now that you say it, I realize it doesn't show lab caches in the daily finds summary. But it usually seems to pick them up on the total finds within minutes from what i recall.
I just checked again and it has the correct total finds number now! It was 5 finds behind for 3 days that I'm aware of. If the API doesn't give the app lab caches in the daily "Found Statistics" totals, how does it get them for the total finds? And is there something that I can do to force some kind of update the next time I notice this?
Last post by Geooh GO -
The app gets the total number of finds from the API, it is not calculated. Are you taking into account Adventure Lab finds which the API doesn't give the app?
Love the app. But recently I've noticed that my number of finds is perpetually 5 less than what shows on This is causing it to put the wrong number for finds on my logs with [number]. I did find 5 lab caches a few days ago which could possibly be what threw it off, but I have 100+ adventure lab caches so I don't know what would have made these not count.
I've seen the number wrong before by one or two, but it eventually catches up. I've been out finding caches two days and it continues to be 5 off.
Last post by Geooh GO -
Do you have an example GC#? Although you think it has a parking coordinate, it may not be the standard waypoint encoding that the API would use to know it is an actual parking coordinate versus and owner provided waypoint that they said was parking.
Last post by bendtsenhund -
I noticed that navigating to a cahe would ask if I want to go to the parking waypoint..great feature. However it only happened to me once, other caches with P waypoint did not give me that choice ?
Now I can figure out if need at a certain screen ?
Last post by picht -
I have the same or similar problem:
I have 22 draft logs on In the draft list in the geocaches ection I have 0 drafts shown In the profile section the Drats list is not shown at all!
I have force stopped the app and started again, but the Drafts-section is still missing Screenshot attached
As mentioned in my last post, version 14.5.2 where the xtra dialog was introduced didn't fix the problem. I used this version for a couple of weeks and had the error every time.
Then version 14.5.3 came out and the problem is now gone. So whatever you changed between 14.5.2 and 14.5.3 worked
As it does'n look as if the extra dialog did the trick I would greatly appreciate if it is removed again as it is an extra unneccessary click,
Also there is a regression error in the lates version: The error that a cache was not shown if it already was loaded in the app has returned
Last post by Geooh GO -
Yes, as in the previous post tried to indicate the app gets draft info whenever the user info is refreshed so whenever the app is started, or when logging, or updating stats from the home smiley is performed the app will know there are drafts to show. In version 15 the process will be altered to be more robust.
Last post by Lil Devil -
I'm posting here with my computer. To post screenshots means I would have to somehow transfer the screenshot to my computer.
But you just helped when you said > There are two ways to display drafts in Geooh... Geocaches and Profile.
I was only looking at the #Drafts list, which was empty.
So I poked around in the profile, and found lots of stuff, but I could not find where to view drafts.
But then when I went back to the geocaches section, there was now a number next to #Drafts!! I clicked on that list, and it actually downloaded the drafts and is now showing them.
So by viewing my profile, it somehow triggered Geooh to actually look to see if I have any drafts.