After a recent update this happens: When I click on a link in an email GO opens and it loads the cache. After a while the list @install is shown that contans the cache, but the cache itself is not opened/shown.
In addition, when selecting the list @install it takes about 5 seconds before the list is actualy shown. This was not the case before.
It is probably a bigger task and I don't know if it's even possible, but it would be really nice to have some features from project-gc in the app. A visualization if you fullfill a challenge cache, the Wilson score of the cache (ability to filter caches on Wilson score and challenges that you fullfill) There are probably many other features that could be implemented.
I don't fully understand. Each TB scanned shows a dialog to let you choose what you want done.
Let me explain point 4. a bit further: I select "Add to TB Logger" on the first TB. I would expect that the window for this TB would close and the window for the next TB is shown. Ready for me to press "Add to TB Logger" But this does not happen. After I press "Add to TB Logger" on the first one, GO switches back to the camera. That doesn't really make any sense...
When i click on a cache link in an email GO opens, loads the cache and displays it. Perfect. But when i click on the link a second time i get an error message "The geocache already exists in the file" I would expect GO load the cache again.
Last post by picht -
I found the probable error. I use "Lite" for the Live-view. When I switch to full, the filtering works. But it should also work wioth Lite?