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Support / Re: Slow app when bad reception, even when data is saved offline
Last post by picht -

I was again in an area with bad cell reception and I had prepared offline maps, offline lists and saved images.
Also I disabled the API.

As you write GO is looking for other data than just API and that was really clear to me during my stay.
GO was very sllow (due to the bad /slow reception).
Also the data there was expensive and the only solution was to put the phone in airpane mode.

But this solution has the clear drawback that you are completely offline and can't use your phine or recieve any texts.

I have a suggestion to have a switch in the app to set the app to be offline (without having to put your whole phone offline)
This would nake GO really "offline-compatible" and would be great for both bad cell reception AND expensive data plans.

Other than the slow reception GO was really great to use!!

Support / Re: How to retrieve multiple TB's from caches
Last post by picht -
Yep therefore a "Grab from wherever the TB is" would be a nice feature.
Internally in GO if would test if the TB is in a cache and then grab from there or if not in a cache GO would use the greb fom (not a achahe) option
This would get the best and most accurate logs.

Just a really nice feature to have  :D
Support / Re: Error when opening TB Logger
Last post by picht -
OK, not that big deal.

Just wanted to let you know that it was not possible to use TB Logger if deny was selected by the user.
Support / Re: Error when opening TB Logger
Last post by Geooh GO -
Well, that's Android for you. I have no idea why Google allows different permissions to deny always, but not allow ask every time. The dialog you saw was Android, not Geooh. I don't know of a good way to deal with it other than asking every time or a Share button in the dialog (which may be the best path forward) to ask again.
Support / Re: How to retrieve multiple TB's from caches
Last post by picht -
I would not fancy a field to put in a GC-code as it is to much work for every TB.

But when GO reads the information on each TB it also gets the information on what cache it is placed in. This information could be used to retrieve the TB from the current cache?
Support / Re: Error when opening TB Logger
Last post by picht -
I'm not able to get the popup back.
In the android settings I can select Allow or Not allow. But not a setting of asking me each time
Support / Re: How to retrieve multiple TB's from caches
Last post by Geooh GO -
That log type requires a GC code. How did you open the TB logger? If opened from a cache, then it's known to the app and that log type shows. If opened from the drawer, there is no cache associated with the logger... I would have to re-design things to add a GC code field for entry so I can put that on a to-do list.
Support / Re: Error when opening TB Logger
Last post by Geooh GO -
The code isn't set up to auto close so possibly Android is doing that. A video of how it's operating with your device would be helpful.