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Topic: Android auto (Read 1486 times) previous topic - next topic

Android auto

When is the next update expected to support Android Auto? Really looking forward to that feature. 

Re: Android auto

Reply #2
Any updates on this?

Re: Android auto

Reply #4
I don’t have Android auto yet (car is ordered), but what can I expect?
Can I run Geooh go straight from AA and can I launch navigation within GG? If so, is it possible to launch Waze in AA then?
Thx for the info

Re: Android auto

Reply #5
Both Google and Apple severely limit what can be done on Android Auto and CarPlay displays. Developers can't do maps or overlays or anything advanced. Geooh's implementation will show up to 6 nearby caches... similar to what shows on the phone notification. There is a video on the Geooh website showing it in action.

A word of caution... Google has been fusing that Geooh's implementation doesn't match their idea of "parking" apps (even though they originally approved it for production release). So it may go away someday, if they require me to remove the the feature.