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Topic: Copy waypoints to notes (Read 386 times) previous topic - next topic

Copy waypoints to notes


The functionality might be there but i haven't found it. Oterwise this is a wish.

When solving a multi/mystery I often get several waypoints, that I create in the app. This information is only stored in the app and might get lost if I reinstall the app or clear the app data/cache. Unfortunately there is no way to save this information on like with the corrected coordinate and the note.
So I was wondering if it could be possible to eiter copy the information on all user created waypoints to the cache note (adding it to the end) and preferrably also open the screen with the cache note, so the user can press submit og save for later. ("Copy waypoints to note")
And/or make the copy of all user defined waypoints to the clipboard and then it can be pasted in the note or in an external document. ("Copy waypoints to clipboard")
The format could look like:
Waypoint Name: N00 00.000 E000 00.000
Waypoint Name2: N00 00.000 E000 00.000

In addition to this functionality the reverse could be an idea as well. Having these informations in the note and "importing" them to separate waypoints in the app. This functionality is already there as a manual task for each waypoint, so maybe not that needed anyway  :)


Re: Copy waypoints to notes

Reply #1
User waypoints are stored at via the API. Whenever you add a waypoint to a cache, Geooh sends it to Groundspeak... it is stored there and anytime you retrieve the cache those user waypoints are included in the full data. You won't lose them unless you delete them yourself via any API app.

Show Details for a user waypoint (or any location) allows you to long-press the coordinates which displays a popup menu... one of the menu options is to copy the coordinates in one of several formats. You can then paste into the cache note if you want.

Re: Copy waypoints to notes

Reply #2
User waypoints are stored at via the API. Whenever you add a waypoint to a cache, Geooh sends it to Groundspeak... it is stored there and anytime you retrieve the cache those user waypoints are included in the full data. You won't lose them unless you delete them yourself via any API app.
Oh... I didn't know that. Then it's all good. Sorry about it.