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Topic: Wherigo, lost cartridge progress? (Read 121 times) previous topic - next topic

Wherigo, lost cartridge progress?

About a year ago I started a very long (28 miles hiking, wherigo, using Geooh GO - I only did 2 stages to test the app - it worked well and I know my progress was saved but now, when I want to continue the wherigo, there are no wherigo cartridges downloaded in downloads\where. 

I know I didn't use the app for anything else. I did update the app though - would that have lost the progress and/or changed the wherigo download folder?? 🤔 Any other thoughts on how/why the cartridge "disappeared"?

It's easy to download the cartridge again but can I recover my progress? Where are saved cartridges stored?

I can redo what I did before but I don't want to lose my progress again, it's going to take me multiple trips over months to hike the 28 miles.

Thanks for any help/info in advance!
(Vinny & Sue Team)

Re: Wherigo, lost cartridge progress?

Reply #1
Did you use another app to view the contents of the folder? Google's File app should help.

Geooh doesn't remove cartridges unless you instruct it to delete a cartridge. Go into Geooh settings in the Wherigo section to confirm the Wherigo Directory selected is the folder intended and see if there are any cartridges via the Files app. Attach any screenshots here and I can help.

Re: Wherigo, lost cartridge progress?

Reply #2
I did use another app to view contents of folders: file app on my phone as well as Windows on my PC with the phone connected. (Windows shows more than the file app does, possibly to do with permissions.) I also used Windows to search for all .gwc files on my phone. This is what I found:

The default wherigo folder is empty, Download/Where

My documents folder contains .gwc files and I may have set this to my default wherigo folder (I don't recall, see below*) but if I did that means something changed my settings. I certainly didn't. When I open the .gwc file in that folder it starts a new game with no other option.

*When I started the wherigo last year, I first tried using the Whereyougo app without success. It's possible I had 2 copies of the same .gwc in different folders but yesterday there was only 1 copy in my documents folder and 1 in android/data/, the latter of which geooh would surely not be accessing. Yesterday I found a helpful FAQ on that app which I followed and got whereyougo working - it is using android/data/ entirely separate from geooh go.

1) Are you aware of any problems that may occur if I run whereyougo and geooh wherigo apps at the same time on the same cartridge? That's what I'm currently planning to do as backup.
2) Are there any files I can copy to my PC to backup my saved progress in a cartridge?


Re: Wherigo, lost cartridge progress?

Reply #3
Again, Geooh does NOT indiscriminately delete anything in any folder. Even reinstalling does nothing to folders. If you are using Android's built-in download folder for Geooh's cartridge folder, I would caution against that because I have no idea if that public folder can have contents deleted by other apps. Be sure to use a private folder specifically for Geooh.

RE you questions:

1) Geooh uses an updated wherigo player that has updated cartridge save formats. You cannot mix the two players together. I don't trust WhereYouGo to mess something up since that app is not being maintained, plus its cartridges must be in that app's private storage area unavailable to Geooh... and vice versus. I'd pick the player you want to use and stick with it. If a cartridge folder doesn't have the saved files for a particular cartridge, doesn't matter which player is used since neither will have access to the saved pieces.

2) This is unnecessary as Geooh uses Android's built-in backup technology for recovery, but you can copy anything you want to PC. Just remember, Geooh doesn't just delete anything without you controlling that. I have no idea how your original saved cartridges got removed.


Re: Wherigo, lost cartridge progress?

Reply #4
Yes, it's very strange! Android's built-in backup clearly didn't help me.  I guess I must have accidentally deleted the cartridge at some point.  :o  Or maybe an OS update messed it up somehow (I'm running Android 11).