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Topic: Click on link does not open cache (Read 738 times) previous topic - next topic

Click on link does not open cache


After a recent update this happens:
When I click on a link in an email GO opens and it loads the cache. After a while the list @install is shown that contans the cache, but the cache itself is not opened/shown.

In addition, when selecting the list @install it takes about 5 seconds before the list is actualy shown. This was not the case before.


Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #4
I know the URL format. I was more interested in how it was being displayed in an email.
I'm not sure how the link displayed in the email has to do with the error that I report?
If I take the link from above and send it to myself in an email and then click on it the same happens as described in the first post.


Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #6
I just did some more testing:

I deleted the @intall
Now it works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.
I will see if I can do some more testing and make it reproducible.
Maybe the amount of caches in the @install has something to do with it...

Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #8
I haven't been able to figure out why or when, but I have a screenvideo of when it doesn't work.
Also note how long it takes from the download finishes and until the @install list is loaded


Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #9
What happens if you turn off the distance sorting for the Install list? It will take some time to obtain the coordinates of each cache before sorting. And that activity is occurring while building the list for display. I may have to force a sort delay until the list is fully rendered.

Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #10
How do I do that?

If I enter bthe list and removed the sorting and exit the list, then when entering the list again it is sorted again


Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #12
Removing the sort by distance didn't help
Also the long load time for the @install list is still there


Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #13
Have you turned on the Download Cache Description Images setting in the Geocaches section? If you export settings, I could review them.

To experiment, you could try transferring all the caches to another offline test, both Full and Lite, to see if the behavior changes. Other than that I can't think of a cause.

Re: Click on link does not open cache

Reply #14
Have you turned on the Download Cache Description Images setting in the Geocaches section? If you export settings, I could review them.
No, it is not turned on.
Settings attached

To experiment, you could try transferring all the caches to another offline test, both Full and Lite, to see if the behavior changes. Other than that I can't think of a cause.
Would deleting the @install get the same result that you are looking for?
I have done this and now there is only 7 caches in the list and the error is still there...