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Topic: Custom map theme does not work in v11 (Read 1622 times) previous topic - next topic

Custom map theme does not work in v11

I'm using offline maps and map theme from (Czech lang only). It worked, but with latest version is map rendering with default style without hiking tracks. I've tried add the offline map folder again, but it did not help :-(

Any hint what to do?

I'm using HTC U11 Life on Android 10.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #2
Well, the map file has 700 MB, can't attach. So:

Also during caching today I've also found that opening map take ages. Screen loading and loading, then freeze but after some time, when I switch to different app and return later, map shows. But return back to caches list and then switch map on have the same issue. Sometime Android even generates crash report. Could I attach or is better to sent it via different canal? I'm not sure if is OK to make it public.

I've already cleared application cache data, but did not helped. And I don't want delete all application data if possible. Now I'm deleting the "_cache" folder. But it take ages again - 1.4 GB, near 10 000 files.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #3
What about the theme file?

How big is the offline list?

Any problems when using Google Maps?

I get bug reports and got one from you regarding the SD card when picking the folder "/storage/9016-4EF8/GDAK/maps"... did that work? Could there be an issue or contention on that maps directory?

Version 11 started using an in-memory tile cache for offline maps to try to improve rendering performance, but maybe that is slowing down your phone. The next maintenance release of Geooh will go back to a file based cache to see if that helps.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #4
It is included in the archive.

This is a new list - only 48 caches.

Any problems when using Google Maps?
With online openstreetmap tiles map works correctly.

I get bug reports and got one from you regarding the SD card when picking the folder "/storage/9016-4EF8/GDAK/maps"... did that work? Could there be an issue or contention on that maps directory?
Yes. This is my folder. The map data is shared with GDAK that I'm still using for multicaches.

Version 11 started using an in-memory tile cache for offline maps to try to improve rendering performance, but maybe that is slowing down your phone. The next maintenance release of Geooh will go back to a file based cache to see if that helps.


Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #5
I've made more test. Moved map and theme files from SD card to internal memory. Now map opens, but there is always a 20s delay. And at the end, the default theme is used.

A timeout during looking for _theme folder?

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #6
Slowness could be the result of using the memory based tile cache... with the SD card which is generally slower than internal memory. I'll be publishing a maintenance release on Monday that will use a file based tile cache to see if that improves on any delays.

I'm not confident about the theme though. Geooh is using Mapsforge map library to create the tiles and it is set up to look for the theme folder. It seems Mapsforge doesn't really update that library much or seem to care because they focus on their mapping software instead of Android's map view. We'll have to see if the update improves it though.

Also, be sure the themes are stored in a "_theme" directory in the folder specified in Geooh settings for the offline maps.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #7
I think I found the issue with themes. Mapsforge doesn't support the latest Storage Access Framework that Google is pushing all Android developers towards... and what version 11 implemented. So themes weren't getting loaded by the Mapsforge software. I need to really rethink how to handle it when a theme has a supporting folder of visual elements.

Be patient... will let you know when resolved.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #9
I can confirm that custom theme loads now. But still there is a 20s (internal memory) and 50s+ (external SD card) delay each time I open the map. It means I open the caches list, go to map - long delay - map is shown. Go back to list and then again open map - long delay again. Could you initialize and keep map instance running on background?

This delay each time is very annoying. Especially when I compare this with GDAK. Instant application start, instant map opening.

Check comparison video I've made: GDAK vs. Geooh GO

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #10
Good about the theme. But comparing Geooh to GDAK is like comparing apples to oranges.

The load time difference is because of the Mapsforge software overlaying onto a Google map viewer versus using a built-in Mapsforge map viewer in GDAK. Notice the Google logo at the lower left in Geooh... that's not showing in GDAK... that app is using a Mapsforge map viewer for all offline maps... notice there is no Google maps option in GDAK.

What happens when you use Google maps in Geooh? It's quick like GDAK.

Unfortunately, Mapsforge isn't committed to their software library being tuned for other implementations. I'm using the recommended method to load map tiles onto a Google map viewer (Geooh is built for that). So I'm dependent on Mapsforge performance. Groundspeak's app uses Google map viewer natively also like Geooh.

I'll dig some more to see if there are any other Mapsforge options or another map software library (OSMDroid maybe) that can be used with Geooh and the built-in Google map component. But I'm not overly optimistic on that... you may have to resort to GDAK for your maps if you can't use native Google maps.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #11
Unfortunately native Google maps are useless for geocaching outside city.

I'm not sure if this is caused by v11 or by some changes on Google mapview library, but map initialization was much quicker previously. There was a delay, but it was not 20 sec. Maybe 2-3 sec on external SD card.

(Is there a way how to revert back to v10 to test it?)

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #12
Geooh v11 is using the latest Android maps technology, plus migrating to the latest Storage Access Framework that Google is pushing developers towards. My guess is a combination of those two are causing issues, particularly like I said before Mapsforge just doesn't seem to be maintaining their software library for the latest.

I cannot go back since this is the future for Android... I just need to hack through it until I find workarounds... or find a different library to render the maps... and that's a top priority for me. I just don't know when I'll find a solution so until then, either live with the issues or don't using the offline maps. I'll keep working away.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #13
I meant if there is a way for me how to personally downgrade to v10 on my phone till the issue is solved. The main issue - I don't have v10 apk file.

Re: Custom map theme does not work in v11

Reply #14
No need to... I'm finalizing fixes to speed up how Mapsforge works with the new file system. My testing shows a nearly instantaneous display of the offline map... as fast as GDAK or any others. I just needed time to resolve it.

I'll release this maintenance version today or early tomorrow. I think you'll approve.