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Topic: No access to cache page from draft (Read 331 times) previous topic - next topic

No access to cache page from draft


When on the profile page in Geooh and entering the Drafts list, there is no way of opening the cache for each draft log.
It is only possible to Edit, delete or post the log. If you don't remember the cache based on its name, it would be really nice to have a possibility to enter the "Show more" of the cache page to see which cache it is. End then to go back to the drafts list.


Re: No access to cache page from draft

Reply #1
What minimal information is desired? Given the separation between Profile and Geocaches components in Geooh, there is no easy way to replicate the full functionality of the cache screen with drill downs like in Geocaches. I can create a Show Details menu option though for the draft and then pull in a summary of cache details. Knowing what's useful I can minimize the effort.

Re: No access to cache page from draft

Reply #2
That's a good question.

Of course I would like to be able to click on a link and end up in the normal cache page in the app. And from there look at description waypoints and also go to the map.

I find myself looking at the map a lot when I have to remember which cache I'm logging and also the description and the personal notes. So that would be my wishlist. The description is also helpfull, but that can't stand alone as it often doesn't tell anything about what cache I have looked for.

It isn't possible to link to the cache age in the app and from there continue to logs, description, map etc. and then going back to the draft logs?
